sreda, 22. oktober 2008

Sweet about me

It was the hotest day in summer of 90', that young woman named Cvetka gived a birth to her first child. It was Urška. She thought, it's gonna be a boy, so my father brought a blue teddy bear to the hospital. And so it beggined. I had most wonderful childhood, full of joy, long- walks in the land, happy summers at the sea side and a cool brother Jernej, which was sometimes to hit, and sometimes to love. =)

So the years had gone by, and here I am, an 18 years old young woman. At the moment, I am a aerobics teacher at Vojnik (small town near Celje), with my mother. I started to teach my own group on fridays- about 20 woman is commin' every week, so we sweat our asses off! :) I just love to work-out, and with a combination with some music... Weehaaa!! I am also going to teach snowboarding classes in Rogla this season, at the Ski school Snežak (which means a snowman in slovene). Some extra money comes also from the basketball games, which I work with as a assistant referee.

I live in a nice house, stucked in a horrible classy street (Like that street in Housevives:)). Neighbours gossip all the time, they compete all the time (cars, houses, grasses, jobs, money after all). But I realized that I kind of like it. It ends up with a Primary School at one, and the church at the other part. Now, in the autumn, its road is covered with yel
low, orange and gold leafs. And I like it so much. Coz' I know, the winter is comming. And I run among the leafs and the sun shines and my hair flow in the air. And althought that I don't like winter as much as the summer, it gives me this feeling of safety. When the winter comes, I know I will be at home, by the fireplace, on safe.

Relationships... I am in one now. With Rok. He is a great photographer and he is a leader of Killing option group. They do hardcore metal, but they really do not look like metal folks :). I "convoy" most of their concerts lately. We went on tour to Avstria and Slovakia during summer, and we had some awsome time together. They invited me so enthusiasticaly that I couldn't resist! It was great, sleeping in Rok's and Pišotek's legs :) It was also a sort of road trip that I enjoy.

I passed driving lessons yesterday :) It was my first examination. And the British queen visited Slovenia for 3 days. And I am finally leaving Slovenia! Tomorrow, at 12 am. Vive la France!

Au Revoir***

9 komentarji:

persson pravi ...

Nekdo, ki ga poznaš, mi je predstavil tvoj blog. Moram reči, da je napisano fenomenalno in kar tako dalje.
Smem izvedeti, zakaj si se odločila pisati v angleščini?

Ursha pravi ...

Seveda! Najprej hvala, me veseli da je blog všečen, čeprav večina samo prebere.. Jst pa bi rada čim več dobrih in slabih komentarjev:)
V angleščini zato, da ni omejen samo na slovenske bralce...

persson pravi ...

Ja tudi mojemu predlagatelju branja tvojega bloga je všeč.
Veš kaj: ne smeš pisati bloga zaradi komentarjev, piši ga zaradi sebe. začela si dobro, zdaj le vztrajaj.

kako je kaj v Franciji? :)

Ursha pravi ...

Itak da ga pišem zarad sebe! Zarad svojega veselja do pisanja in zaradi evidentiranja vseh mojih večjih pripetljajev.
Pišem kar mi pade na pamet in mam občutek da morm dat ven, je pa useen lepo videt kak komentarček na to:)
V Franciji... Heh, spremljaj blog pa boš na tekočem ;)

Anonimni pravi ...

blog je odličn
mal me jebe ko je angleščina pa bo že

persson pravi ...

Evo, on mi je predstavil tvoj blog. Če je to ta Jure... :)

manca pravi ...

hvala bogu da te je tvoja mami rodila :D
le ka bi js brez tebe pa najnih 'zvezčičov' :D
rtm *

Ursha pravi ...

Hvala Manči :)
Rtm back
Pa lepo d si šla dans kr z mano u šolo :D

manca pravi ...

ni za kej :D
sm pršla usaj mal na tekoče z... pač no :D
zdej si mo dolžna :P boš šla ti tut enx zram mene ^^